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Superkids-sle will help advance you child's learning

While At Home or In Person

Our Superkids SLE, a computer-based program, will ensure your child keeps advancing while learning from home or coming to our centers. 


Free introduction

Attend a free introduction to see how Superkids' individual approach

can help your child.


Placement test

Your child will complete a placement test to determine the starting point.


 individualized plan for your kids

Our Instructor will prepare an individualized plan for your kids and look after them as they progress through Superkids SLE.

superkids sle
之所以不同 (1994至今)

不論您的孩子是剛上小學或是就學多年,我們的 Superkids SLE 電腦學習系統 + ICE學習方法能確保他們在數學、英語和法語科目上用完整的課程建立最佳基礎,並成功獲得個人基本技能。

真正個別化課程 (I)

學生將在線上完成學能測試,以評量及掌握學生迄今為止的知能水平。 每個學生的學習起始點都不同。 我們的首要工作是找出學生的困難所在,致力強化基礎。 填補學習中的任何空白以掌握更進階的概念至關重要。

關鍵的綜合技能 (I)


增加信心 (C)

高階的即時互動 (C)


輕易超越你的年級水平 (E)

SLE 學習系統讓我們的學生不斷進步,從不限制他們的學習。 我們完整的課程,從小一到中五,幫助起步稍晚的學生不僅趕上進度,還能升讀更進階內容。

即時解答 (I)



即時更新學習進度 (E)

心算能力 (E)

用 Speedybee代數軟件提高心算速度。 這項技能將使學童在課堂上、家庭作業和考試中表現更好, 粗心降到最低。


Our program

superkids sle

Private class

(all subjects including science, Calculus, Linear Algebra)

Semi-private class

(Math, English, French,

Group lecture class

(Math, English, French)

*subject to availability

- 1:1 ratio to attend to the specific needs of the student

- Personalized progress with complete curriculum

- Homework assigned and corrected

- 1:3 ratio to attend to individual needs of the student

- Personalized progress with complete curriculum

- Homework assigned and corrected

- 1:10 ratio with adjacent grade 

- Specially designed to cover material missed during school year

- Crash course style lecture with optional assignment

- Lectures posted online before the class

- Homework assigned without correction (answers posted before following class)

- Entrance exam topics covered for G5 students

- Note: no make-up for missed classes

Enroll your child in our 
Superkids-SLE Program today!

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