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我們的團隊擁有豐富多樣的生活和職業經歷,方使得我們在e-tutoring的領域裡能夠有超越的思考並獲得前瞻性的表現。 您將有機會成為我們團隊的一員,我們團隊中的每個人都非常熱衷於教育以及幫助學生在學校取得優異成績。 您將滿意地看到學生對生活各方面的信心大增。


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Set your own hours.

Flexible schedule online and onsite.


Gain valuable experience in the education field.


Make money while enjoying your work.


Participate in team gatherings and team building activities.


Use technology to teach, learn and work.


Learn about yourself and grow in the professional field.

Becoming a Tutor

At Superkids, we are always looking for enthusiastic and motivated tutors who want to make a difference.


Do you enjoy working with kids?

Our team is composed of a diversity of people with different career experiences that allow us to think outside of the box and ahead of the curve in the field of e-tutoring.

Our classes include students from grades 1 to 11.  



Superkids 的志工可以通過培訓和實習,在多方面獲得學習與成長。由改正學生的家庭作業、學習檔案管理,以及在電腦上做相關的文書處理等方式獲得教育經驗。

Superkids有自創的志工與助理培訓課程,每年舉辦約12次。 培訓主題包括家庭作業改正的SOP(標準作業程序)、動機及教育心理學以及教學技巧等。

Testimonial by previous Math volunteer & tutor, Kelvin Yang

Hey everyone! I met Amos yesterday and he asked me to share my learning experiences with Superkids. I’m currently an Actuarial Science major at the University of Waterloo. For those who don’t know me, I was a student at Superkids for about a year and a half before I finished the program and became a volunteer and then a tutor, and stayed there for around two and a half years.

Since everyone is probably very busy I want to make this short and just say that Superkids has prepared me in ways I couldn’t have imagined. Of course at the time I didn’t see it that way; I just had lots of fun doing logic puzzles during the summer time, trying to decipher cryptic handwriting in my notes, practicing French speaking skills and learning at a breakneck pace – which I honestly preferred over my own school’s pace. While school has finally caught up with the things I learnt on the computer (de Moivre’s theorem is taught in a 1st year Algebra class at Waterloo), it’s the other things that I learnt – like how to estimate the area of any floor – and the many things I learnt as a tutor working with a great team at Superkids, that will continue to be so valuable to me. I’ve recently been interviewed by several companies; all of them asked about my experience at Superkids and all of them were surprised to hear about the nature of my responsibilities and accomplishments. If you have the opportunity to volunteer with Superkids, definitely take it – I promise it will do you good!

If you are still a student, then you are very lucky, living in the Montreal area, to have access to what is easily the best learning resource in the country. Continue to work hard, and don’t give the assistants a hard time; please do your homework. :p

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