Math Program
SLE-Math is the first fully-automated math training system to cover all levels from grade one to first-year university. It contains 30,000 exercises in 400 topics. Exercises are divided into concept questions, calculations and problem solving. Self-paced drills automatically promote students to the next topic once they have mastered the current one.
Relatively recently, an education reformation took place adding situational problems to the curriculum. Refer below for explanations of what a situational problem is.
Students show improvement in a very short period of time by having highly qualified tutors to teach them concepts, doing Speedybee (refer below) at home and having access to our Facebook group where they can receive instant solutions to any questions that they have at school.
What is a Situational Problem in Math? How is it different from a word problem?
The Quebec Educational Program describes a situational problem being “characterized by the need to attain a goal. This objective cannot be instantly achieved, since it is not an exercise involving applications”. It is a situation in which a person is seeking to attain some goal for which a suitable course of action is not immediately apparent (Burns, 2000). There is not usually one right way to get the answer; there is not always one right answer.
A word problem requires children to focus on the meaning of arithmetic operations. The problem is translated into a mathematical sentence, and children do the computation called for in that sentence. There is usually one right way to get the answer; there is always one right answer. (Burns, 2000)
Why do we do teach situational problems? Because in real life situations, we are rarely given all the information needed in one tidy package. There’s rarely only one possible method or strategy in real life situations; usually you choose from several viable possibilities. You don’t always know for sure if the solution that you choose is the “right” or “best” one; life has no answer book. (Burns, 2000)
“Not all the problems that children deal with in school need be real-life problems. Children also benefit from contrived problem situations that build their problem-solving abilities”. (Burns, 2000)
Source: “About Teaching Mathematic: A K-8 Resource” by Marilyn Burns, Math Solutions Publications, Sausalito, California
Speedybee 2.0
SpeedyBee is a software, proven effective, invented by Superkids e-Tutoring Center (since 1994) that trains students to improve their capability of numerical algebra in the shortest time. It is the best way for elementary or high school students to build their arithmetic foundation. Speedybee is truly a revolutionary tool for elementary or high school mathematic teachers or parents. No pencil, nor paper is required. All work is done online easily and results are given instantaneously. Repetitive practice and time-efficient computerized methodology marks the uniqueness of this revolutionary program. Fifteen (15) minutes a day or one (1) hour a week will yield significant improvement in one’s arithmetic abilities after a month, solidify one’s math foundation after three and root one’s math skills after a year of usage.